
Agenda for 16th ASOSAI Assembly
September 2024 New Delhi

  • Sept 21st 2024
  • Sept 22 2024
  • Sept 23 rd 2024
  • Sept 24th 2024
  • Sept 25 th 2024
  • Sept 26 2024
  • Sept 27 th 2024

Working Level Meetings during the 16th ASOSAI Assembly

21st September 2024 Saturday

(Venue: Mumtaz Hall, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi)

Time Meeting Presented By
10:00-11:00 Secretariat-CDA meeting Secretariat, CDA (SAI China and SAI Japan)
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
11:30-12:30 5th meeting of ASOSAI Grant Committee Grant Committee members (SAIs of China, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam)
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break (Shahjahan Hall)
14:00-15:00 Secretariat-CDA-IDI meeting Secretariat (SAI China), CDA (SAI Japan), IDI

Working Level Meetings during the 16th ASOSAI Assembly

22 September 2024, Sunday

(Venue: Mumtaz Hall, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi)

Time Meeting Participants
10:00-11:00 11th meeting of ASOSAI Strategic Plan Task Force (SPTF) SPTF members/observers (SAIs of Thailand, China, India, Japan, Korea, Kuwait and IDI)
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
11:30-12:30 Meeting of ASOSAI Capacity Development Committee (CDC) GB members (SAIs of Thailand, China, India, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye ) and IDI
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break (Shahjahan Hall)
14:00-15:30 6th meeting of ASOSAI Task Force for ASOSAI Regulations (TFAR) TFAR members (SAIs of China, Thailand, India, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia and Malaysia)

60th Governing Board Meeting of ASOSAI

23rd September 2024

Time No. Agenda Item Presented By
09:45-09:55 Arrival at the venue (Durbar Hall)
10:00-10:10 Opening Address by Chair of ASOSAI SAI Thailand
10:10-10:20 Welcome Address by the Host SAI India
10:20-10:25 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 59th Governing Board Meeting SAI Thailand
10:25-10:30 2. Matters arising from the minutes SAI Thailand
10:30-10:40 3. Report of the Chair on the GB activities since the previous meeting SAI Thailand
10:40-10:50 4. Report of the Secretary General on the Secretariat activities since the previous meeting SAI China
10:50-11:00 Group Photograph (Raja Bagh)
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
11:30-11:45 5. Report on the ASOSAI financial management
  • ASOSAI Financial Statements for FYs 2021-2023
  • Results of external audit of the ASOSAI Financial Statements for FYs 2021-2023
  • Formulation of the ASOSAI budget plan for 2025-2027
SAI China Audit Committee SAI China
11:45-12.00 6. Report on the ASOSAI Capacity Development Activities
  • Speech from the IDI representative
12.00-12:10 7. Report on the ASOSAI Strategic Plan SAI China
12.10-12.20 8. Report on the ASOSAI Journal SAI India
12.20-12.30 9. Report on the cooperation with other regional organizations SAI China
12.30-12.40 10. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit SAI China
12.40-12.50 11. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on SAI Kuwait
Sustainable Development Goals (observer)
12.50-13.00 12. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on Crisis Management Audit SAI ROK
13.00-14.30 Lunch Break (Shahjahan Hall)
14.30-14.40 13. Report on the Special Committee for Feasibility Study on Establishing ASOSAI Working Group on State Owned Enterprise SAI Malaysia
14.40-14.50 14. Report on the Special Committee for Feasibility Study on Establishing ASOSAI Working Group on IT Audit and Data Analytics SAI India
14.50-15.00 15. Report on the Special Committee for Feasibility Study on Establishing ASOSAI Working Group on Regional and Municipal Audit SAI Russia
15.00-15.10 16. Report on the Task Force for ASOSAI Regulations SAI China
15.10-15.20 17. Report on the 13th ASOSAI Research Project SAI Indonesia (observer)
15.20-15.30 18. Report on the results of the Bangkok Declaration SAI Thailand
15.30-15.40 19. Report on the preparation for the 16th ASOSAI Assembly and the proposal of the New Delhi Declaration SAI India
15.40-15.45 20. Report on the activities of the INTOSAI Governing Board SAI Japan/Thailand
15:45-16:00 21. ASOSAI posts selection
  • Renewal of the term of CDA for the period 2024- 2027
  • Renewal of the term of Journal Editor for the period 2024-2027
  • Announcement of the candidates for the Governing Board and Audit Committee for 2024- 2027: a) Ex officio members; b) Self nominated SAIs; and c) Election procedure
SAI China
16:00-16:05 22. Other items proposed by Governing Board members SAI Thailand
16:05-16:15 Closing
  • Closing Address by Chair of ASOSAI
SAI Thailand
16:15-16:30 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
19:00 onwards Welcome Dinner to be hosted by CAG of India (Host and Incoming Chair of ASOSAI) at Hotel J W Marriot, Aerocity, New Delhi SAI India

Agenda for the Opening Ceremony of 16th ASOSAI Assembly

24th September 2024

Time Event Details Responsibility
09:30-10:00 Arrival of Delegates at the Venue (Durbar Hall)
10:20 THE PRESIDENT departs North Court
10:30 THE PRESIDENT arrives at Hotel Taj Palace, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi
THE PRESIDENT received by Shri Girish Chandra Murmu, CAG of India and Shri K S Subramanian, Dy. CAG
THE PRESIDENT is conducted to Green Room
10:30 10:40 THE PRESIDENT is conducted to the Dias
NATIONAL ANTHEM (RB Military Band) SAI India
10:45 Welcome Speech by Mr. Girish Chandra Murmu, CAG of India SAI India
10:55 Felicitation of THE PRESIDENT SAI India
11:00 Speech by Gen. Chanathap Indamra , Chairman of ASOSAI and President of the State Audit Commision of the Kingdom of Thailand SAI Thailand
11:10 Address by THE PRESIDENT SAI India
11:25 THE PRESIDENT departs for Rashtrapati Bhavan
11:35 THE PRESIDENT arrives at Rashtrapati Bhavan
11:25-11:50 Tea/ Coffee Break SAI Thailand

Agenda for First Plenary Session of ASOSAI Assembly

24th September 2024

Venue: Durbar Hall, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi

Time No. Agenda item Presented By
11:50- 12:10 Group Photograph at Raja Bagh Host (SAI India)
12:10- 12:20 Address by the representative of INTOSAI Chair Mr. Vital do Rego Filho, Minister
12:20- 12:30 Address by the representative of INTOSAI General Secretariat Dr. Ronald Roedl, Director General
12:30- 12:35 1. Announcement of participating delegations and observers Secretary General
12:35- 12:45 2. Report of the Secretariat activities since the previous Assembly Secretary General
12:45- 12:55 3. Approval of the ASOSAI Financial Statements for FYs 2021-2023 and Report of the Audit Committee
  • A. ASOSAI Financial Statements for FYs 2021- 2023
  • B. Results of external audit of the ASOSAI Financial Statements for FYs 2021-2023
Secretary General Audit Committee
12:55- 13:05 4. Approval of the ASOSAI budget for FYs 2025- 2027 Secretary General
13:05- 13:15 5. Report on the ASOSAI Strategic Plan Secretary General
13:15- 13:30 6. Report on the ASOSAI Capacity Development Activities
  • A. Speech from IDI representative
CDA (SAI Japan)
13:30- 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00- 15:10 7. Report on the results of the Bangkok Declaration Chair
15:10- 15:20 8. Report on the 13th ASOSAI Research Project SAI Indonesia
15:20- 15:35 9. ASOSAI Journal
  • A. Report on the ASOSAI Journal
  • B. Presentation of ASOSAI Journal Award
SAI India
Secretary General
15:35- 15:45 10. Report on the Cooperation with other regional organizations Secretary General
15:45- 15:55 11. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit SAI China
15:55- 16:05 12. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals SAI Kuwait
16:05-16:15 13. Report on the ASOSAI Working Group on Crisis Management Audit SAI ROK
14. Establishment of New ASOSAI Working Groups
16:15- 16:25 A. Report and Approval of the establishment of the ASOSAI Working Groups on State Owned Enterprise SAI Malaysia
16:25- 16:35 B. Report and Approval of the establishment of the ASOSAI Working Group on IT Audit and Data Analytics SAI India
16:35- 16:45 C. Report and Approval of the establishment of the ASOSAI Working Group on Regional and Municipal Audit SAI Russia
16:45- 17:15 Tea-Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
17:15- 17:25 15. A. Report on the Task Force for ASOSAI Regulations Secretary General
B. Approval of the amendment to ASOSAI regulation(s) Chair
17:25- 17:35 16. Report on the activities of the INTOSAI Governing Board SAI Japan
SAI Thailand
17:35- 17:40 17. Approval of the Host SAI of the 17th Assembly in 2027 and the Secretary General for 2024-2027 Chair
17:40- 17:50 18. Speech of the host SAI of 17th Assembly in 2027 followed by a short video SAI Saudi Arabia
17:50- 17:55 19. Announcement of the ex officio members of the Governing Board for 2024-2027 Chair
17:55- 18:10 20. A. Announcement of self-nominating SAIs for the Governing Board and the Audit Committee
B. Explanation of election procedure
Secretary General
18:10- 18:15 21. Pre-Recorded Video Message of Support from INTOSAI CBC Chair, SAI South Africa SAI India
18:15- 18:20 22. Message from EUROSAI Chair, SAI Israel SAI India
23. Change of the Chair of ASOSAI for 2024-2027
18:20- 18:30 A Farewell address by the outgoing Chair SAI Thailand
18:30- 18:40 B Acceptance address by the incoming Chair SAI India
18:40- 18:45 C Handing Over of ASOSAI Flag by Outgoing Chair to the Incoming chair SAI Thailand SAI India
19:30 – 21:30 Official Dinner to be hosted by the Outgoing Chair (SAI Thailand)
Written reports (Not to be presented and discussed)
1 Report on INTOSAI WGITA (Written Report) SAI India
2 Report on INTOSAI KSC (Written Report) SAI India
3 Report on ASEANSAI (Written Report) SAI Philippines
4 Report on INTOSAI WGBD (Written Report) SAI China

9th ASOSAI Symposium

25th September 2024

Venue: Durbar Hall, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
To be conducted by SAI India

Time Event Details Remarks
09:50-10:00 Arrival of Delegates at the Symposium venue
10:00-10:15 Opening of the ASOSAI Symposium Opening Address by Mr. Girish Chandra Murmu, CAG of India
10:15-10:30 Overview of the Theme “Digital Public Infrastructure and Gender Divide – Issues of inclusion and accessibility”: SAI India
10:30-11:00 Key Note Address by Subject Matter Expert
Felicitation of Key Note Speaker by CAG of India
Amb. Lakshmi M. Puri (Retd.)
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
11:30-11:50 Presentation on “Auditing the Digital Nation: BPK’s Role in Indonesian DPI” - SAI Indonesia Mr. Yudi Ramdan Budiman
11:50-12:10 Presentation on “Promoting Gender Equality in Local Government” - SAI Israel Mr. Ziad Asad
12:10-12:30 Presentation on “Promoting Auditing Inclusiveness: A Framework for Digital Public Infrastructure Accessibility” - SAI Thailand Dr. Sutthi Suntharanurak and Mr. Pitikhun Nilthanom
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break (Shahjahan Hall)
14:00-14:20 Presentation on “Digital Public Infrastructure and Gender Divide –Issues of Inclusion and Accessibility” SAI Oman Ms. Sheikha Said Al Badaai
14:20-14:40 Presentation on “Digital Audit Project” - SAI Malaysia Dr. Mohd Daniel Mohd Nassir
14:40-15:00 Q&A with Presenters Open to all Participants
15:00-15:10 Closing address SAI India
15:10-15:40 Tea/Coffee Break (Shahjahan Hall)
16:00-17:00 Event by IDI titled 'Matching SAI needs with IDI strategic vision' IDI
19:00 onwards Official Dinner to be hosted by the Secretary General of ASOSAI (SAI China) Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi

Social Program


Visit to Agra-Taj Mahal

Time No. Agenda Item
07:00 AM 1 Departure from Delhi
09:00 AM – 10:00 AM 2 Midpoint Halt for Bio Break
10:00 AM 3 Departure to Agra, Taj Mahal
11:30 AM 4 Arrival at Agra, Taj Mahal
02:00 PM 5 Departure to Hotel Taj Convention for Lunch
04:00 PM 6 Departure from Agra
05:30 PM – 06:30 PM 7 Midpoint halt for Bio Break
06:30 PM 8 Departure to Delhi

Agenda for Second Plenary Session of 16thASOSAI Assembly

27th September 2024

Venue: Palash Hall, India International Convention and Expo Centre, Yashobhoomi, Dwarka,
New Delhi

Time No. Agenda Item Remarks
09:50-10:00 Arrival of delegates at the venue Delegates will be taken to the venue by Cars/Buses.
10:00-10:30 Welcome Tea/Coffee On arrival at the venue, the delegates will be served Welcome Tea/Coffee.
10:30-10:45 Opening Address by Chairman of ASOSAI CAG of India
10:45-12:15 1. Election of the members of the Governing Board and the Audit Committee for 2024- 2027 Secretary General
12:15-12:25 2. Report on the 9th Symposium Chair (SAI India)
12:25-12:35 3. Adoption of the New Delhi Declaration Chair (SAI India)
12:35-12:45 4. Speech of the Secretary General for 2024-2027 Secretary General (SAI China)
12:45-12:50 5. Other Items Chair (SAI India)
12:45-13:00 Closing Remarks by the Chair of ASOSAI Chair (SAI India)
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break: Palash Hall at Yashobhoomi, Dwarka

Agenda for 61st ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting

27th September 2024

Venue: Palash Hall, India International Convention and Expo Centre, Yashobhoomi,
Sector-25, Dwarka, New Delhi
To be conducted by Chair SAI India

Time No. Agenda item Presented By
14:30 Assembly of delegates at the venue Palash Hall
14:30-14:40 Opening Address by Chair of ASOSAI SAI India
14:40-14:50 1 Confirmation of the minutes of the 60th Governing Board Meeting Chair (SAI India)
14:50-15:00 2. Matters arising from the minutes Chair (SAI India)
15:00-15:10 3. Proposal for the theme of the 14th ASOSAI Research Project Secretary General (SAI China)
15:10-15:20 5. Date and venue of the 62nd Governing Board Meeting of ASOSAI SAI China
15:25-15:35 6. Other items proposed by Governing Board members
• Proposal for the Establishment of the ASOSAI Working Group on Foresight and Public Finance Evaluation (ASOSAI WGFPFE)
SAI India
SAI Thailand
15:35-15:45 5. Closing
• Closing Address by Chair of ASOSAI
SAI India
15:45-16:00 Group Photograph: Venue Palash Hall
16:00-16:30 Tea/Coffee Break